Long Ago and Far, Far Away . . .

Far, Far Away Collection by Heather Ross for Windham Fabrics Yes, this is a story about the Princess and the Pea with a few unicorns thrown in for fun. Heather Ross is a young, modern designer with fresh, appealing designs. She has licensed a few of her designs to Windham Fabrics . (Make sure you read the whole post to see an AWESOME quilt made using this collection that will soon be a pattern.) My daughter Audrey went ga-ga over Heather's Briar Rose collection and made me get some of the jersey knits from my contact at Windham Fabrics. Her little baby girl wears leggings and Audrey likes to have all sorts of prints. Here is one from the Briar Rose collection: Little leggings for a 4 month old girl (and a matching headband) Well, can we see what you did with your Briar Rose Collection? Of course; remember, I was only given a charm pack (that means: 5" squares). Are you ready? Briar Rose charm pack (see, I told you!) And what can you make with 5" squar...