Playing with Thread and Fabric

Ring of Hexies I've been very busy getting ready for the Quilting Live! Show in Atlanta September 11-14. I will be teaching 4 classes, one of which is free motion quilting. I played around with a sample that I started last year. I drew this Grandmother's Flower Garden using an orange Crayola marker (washable, of course). It sat for a year on the fabric! I quilted using the lines to tell me where to start and stop. Then I prayed a little prayer, submerged it in the bathroom sink in cold water and LOOK! No orange marker! Here is another view. This second picture is turned so that there are two hexagons at the top (notice the "v"). A very different look, huh? Same image, just turned I have been very inspired by Geta Grama in Romania who does gorgeous work with hexies and free motion quilting. She said that her sewing machine has a 10-1/4" opening. Mine is small, just like most domestics, with about a 7" opening. Hope you enjoyed seeing my lit...