The Red Hat 2019 BOM is Here!

I've been working on these blocks for two weeks now (not full-time, of course!). I wanted to have all 9 blocks finished before launching this new Block of the Month. Here is the Stepping Out Quilt that uses the 5 different blocks (two are repeated). As I said last week, this was first a set of blocks I designed for Intown Quilters in Atlanta, Georgia in 2004. Then I incorporated them into my Block a Day calendars. I'm now shopping for a perfect blue for those sashings. Stepping Out Quilt: 39" x 39". Block Size: 9" These blocks are not free because, as you may remember, I've lost my Craftsy shop and am slowly migrating over to Etsy. I get charged fees on Etsy (and I am not complaining; that's how business runs!) These blocks will be $1.00 for the month in which they run . After that, they will be $3.00. I did that last year and I had no complaints. This was a lot of work (but fun work!) Here is my Red Hat block. January Block: The Red Hat ...