All of Patricia's Blocks at Once!

Did you know that I have 22 Pinterest Boards ? And 669 pins (mostly of my own quilts, blocks and tutorials). And one board is exclusively to showcase Patricia's blocks . I update it (or try to) each week with the reveal of the next 7 blocks here on my blog. Patricia's Blocks from My Calendar currently has 166 pins. It's quite a feast for the eyes! And when I have a quilt I've made from any of the blocks, I add those, too. Check it out. Quilter's Block a Day Calendar 3 Block Runner All of Patricia's Blocks that she made in 2016! My own Trillium Wreath (May) King's Crown quilt (mine) Another of my King's Crown quilts The Good Luck quilt with 4 blocks (gifted to a child) The Good Luck Quilt done in Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I still own this LARGE quilt So, if you want to scroll through 166 images of Patricia's blocks (with a few of my own real quilts), take a visit to my Pinterest Board: Patricia's Blocks fro...