One More Twisted Hexagon Quilt

I taught my popular Twisted Hexagons workshop last month and decided to take a set of sample blocks and turn them into another quilt. This quilt has been in process for at least 8 years and it was just time to "get 'er done!" Twisted Hexagons . 10" blocks; 42" x 47" Those toile motifs in the center are from a 2008 collection by Windham Fabrics. I made several other quilts from those prints and had just enough left over to capture these 9 scenes. The fun floral border is from a Benartex collection. I'm not usually a fan of browns, but this quilt is one exception! Let me show you what I did with these fabrics for my last book . I captured a very large motif in the center of this quilt which I called "Toile Garden Medallion." That center is 15" in diameter! Toile Garden Medallion: 36" x 36" When I taught this workshop for a few years, I had a second center motif with the flying geese. I retired the workshop and then finished the ...