June Calendar of Blocks

Let's hear it for June! Graduations, weddings, vacations and lots of time for quilting. You can download the June calendar page to print and hang in your home, but first: 

Here is one of the blocks which appears in my 2006 calendar with the Boy's Toys quilt. It's a tricycle from an old Kansas City Star series. This appears on June 5. I patterned the entire series for The Toy Quilt 20 years ago and it appears in my Etsy shop.


This is how the original Happy Childhood Quilt (1932) appeared in print (I added the color).

Happy Childhood Quilt: 51" x 71"

I made 9 blocks for a smaller quilt. My grandson Javier now owns it (he's 5 and loves toys!) I have that tricycle in there. This was a fun project to work on (and I did it over 20 years ago!)

The Toy Quilt: 41" x 41"

And a traditional Hawaiian appliqué block from the Hawaiian Breezes quilt from 2016. This appears in the June 6 slot.

Hawaiian Henna Block: 14" x 14"

I have over a dozen of these gorgeous Hawaiian appliqué blocks. I should publish them again. Most of them are made by folding paper into fourths and tracing the quarter block. This is then placed on fabric that is folded the same and cut out. A lot of work, to be sure!

Here is a quilt I patterned for the last Block a Day Calendar (2020). Nine 14" Hawaiian blocks in the center!

Hawaiian Dreams Quilt: 76" x 76"

Let's see one for Flag Day June 14. This is my E Pluribus Unum block which I've used multiple times in various Americana quilts.

E Pluribus Unum

That's it for June. You can print this (using LEGAL size paper) and enjoy looking at the different blocks for the month. June 2022 Calendar of Blocks.
