Another 7 Sisters Finish!

I taught this as a workshop for a few years to probably 2 dozen classes. Such a great time because we didn't have to make the dreadful y-seam. We began by cutting 60 degree diamonds and triangles. Pieced them into these units:

Diamonds and triangles

And a few more for a second quilt sample:

More diamonds and triangles

Here is my first 7 Sisters quilt. It's actually a large table topper. No y-seams!

Seven Sisters (stars)

I made a 3 block runner in a Seven Sisters Variation, but I took it apart (who really needs another table runner)?

3 Block Table Runner

I added 3 more blocks and this is what I got:

I made another variation using some bright, primary colored fabrics. Still needs to be quilted. Will probably become another charity quilt for the infusion unit. Certainly not a sleepy quilt!

Check out my borders - Didn't have a single fabric, so split it up into bars. Tried to reflect the colors in each of the blocks as they go round.

Seven Sisters Variation: 49" x 60"

Now, for the last one for today. This was a workshop sample and it stopped with the six black batik outside diamonds (which really are 2 triangles each). I wanted to increase the size, so I squared it up and used some sweet bee-themed fabrics in black and yellow. What do you think? The center is 37" x 42".

7 Sisters with added borders: 51" x 57"

I'm trying to empty my Seven Sisters workshop box and put together all the teaching parts into another quilt or two. I think some multiplying has been going on in those dark boxes in the closets! Where did all these diamonds and triangles come from? I'll keep you posted
