The Honey Bee

Love 'em or hate 'em - we can't survive without their place in our food chain! Even when they're buzzing around your plate of food or your head, just leave them alone. They don't want to sting you. But, can you believe it? We quilters have a Honey Bee block! This is from Patricia Bryant of Australia.

Honey Bee block (10") from my Block a Day calendar

This block is featured in the calendar for today (June 13). I've made it once or twice in the past, though I don't have any quilts to show for it. It first appeared in the Kansas City Star newspaper in 1929.

Honey Bee pattern as it appeared in 1929

And how about this sweet crocheted table topper? I found it on the internet, but didn't save the maker's name. Very clever use of these hexagons! Certainly in keeping with the bee hive shapes!

Honey Bee crocheted topper

Hope you enjoyed seeing these bees - and I promise, they won't sting you!


  1. That crocheted topper took a lot of work. The bees are even crocheted. They look like bumblebees to me.

    1. Yes, bumble bees! What a lovely thing to crochet. Thanks for stopping by, Susan.


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