MAQ is coming!

I live in Virginia and I am excited to be teaching at the Mid-Appalachian Quilters retreat July 13-15 in Emmitsburg, MD. Every year they raffle a quilt with the proceeds going toward a worthwhile charity. I donated this year's quilt, one I designed and made for Blank Quilting a few years ago. The quilt kept crying in the closet, asking for someone to love it, and I figured this is a way to make both the quilt and winner happy - along with providing funds for Ovarian Cancer Research. Here is the quilt ( you can buy tickets from MAQ ) and also the free two page pattern. It is an easy block and quilt and I hope you enjoy it! I named the pattern Color Blox Stars ; the traditional block is called "Souvenir" and it is 15" square. Souvenir Stars - 65" x 65"