QALs (Quilt Alongs) You'll Want to Know About

You know about my 2016 QALs (Quilt Alongs), but let me tell you about a few others that are in partnership with my publisher (Martingale). Seems like quilt-alongs (QALs) are everywhere right now—boy, are they are hot! Online QALs are a great way to meet online friends who share your passion for patchwork. Plus, you get the inspiration to start a project and the motivation to complete it. Your online friends will be cheering your progress all the way to the finish line! Here’s a quick look at the latest QALs being hosted by Martingale authors, along with a special QAL hosted by our friends at American Patchwork and Quilting that features Martingale’s fearless leader, Jennifer Keltner. A big PLUS in our book! This one you are familiar with. While it does REQUIRE the purchase of my perpetual quilt calendar (ie, it's not tied to any one calendar year), it gives you 12 quilt patterns (not just blocks)! You can find the link to this here: 201...