Recent Charity Quilt Finishes

I realized I had begun a Pinterest board a few years ago that featured a few dozen of my charity quilt finishes. I checked it out the other day and then I added a few more dozen and still have some catching up to do! Currently there are 70 quilts sewn and donated with another 2+ dozen to go. These range from 2018 - 2023. Retired workshop sample = happy child's quilt! Remember, I have sewn for a living for 30 years. I'm swimming in fabric and several fabric companies have been very generous to me during that time. I belong to a local quilt guild that makes it very easy on me. For example, this next quilt uses last season's Merry and Mod Collection by Windham Fabrics. Arrowheads class sample with fun letters border print: 40" x 40" How does my quilt guild make it easy? I just sew the top. Jeanne C. finds a backing and longarm quilts it. I put the binding on and it's done! Can you say EASY? This next quilt was begun over 10 years ago and was a class sample. It w...