Holiday Love and Dove Ornaments (and free patterns)

Quick sewing 8 dove ornaments with Audrey "Hi, mom. Can you help me? I need 8 dove ornaments for a Christmas exchange next week." Oh, sure. I'll put my magician hat on and wave my magic wand and voila! - 8 quick ornaments. Lucky for me I had a Santa sack of various crafts sitting in my hall closet (honest) that I had pulled out last week looking for something. In there is my trusty Dove Ornament pattern. And I even had a sample ornament to remind me of what they look like. I did the fusing. Audrey did the cutting out. I quick stitched the gold thread on the outside. I was shocked to see I still had some gold cording. We found that 10" lengths worked best. Here is a single ornament front and back: Holiday Dove: 4" x 5" Use pretty fabric on the back, too. Holiday Dove, reverse You can get the FREE PATTERN at my Craftsy store . It's a one page pdf that also includes a simple heart shape. All you need are scraps of pretty fabric,...