Quilter by Design Facebook Page Has Launched!

I have had a personal Facebook page for several years. How else would I see and hear what's happening with my grandkids without a phone call? But I started getting dozens and dozens of "friend" requests from people I never met. I guess they heard that I was a quilter who puts dozens and dozens of quilt pictures on my page (it has a different feel than this blog). Just last week I had almost 100 "friend" requests from total strangers. My wise daughter said, "Mom. You need a professional page. It's got to be open to everybody. This way anyone can see your quilts, your tutorials, what you're working on day to day and you save your personal page for your family and real friends. That's what I did: As you can see, the background quilt is the one appearing in the current issue of McCall's. My photo? Well, old age stinks, right? Type in Quilter by Design (if you are on Facebook; I know some of you don't do Facebook and I totally unde...