Social Media and My Quilts

Web sites. Blogs. Facebook. Now Instagram. What's a quilter to do? I started in print media (quilt magazine editor) 32 years ago. No web presence for a few years. Then everything exploded! I was the one to get our magazine group to create a web presence in 1997 - and they were kicking and screaming!

Where am I going? Did you know I have an Instagram identity? It all doesn't make much sense to me, but I came kicking and screaming. I'm not interested in spending hours making silly videos, but I have been uploading hundreds (probably thousands) of beautiful quilt photos to cyberspace for all these years.

@quilterbydesign is where you can find me. But I'm not sure if I even wrote that correctly!

Slashed Hearts

Slashed Hearts was designed in 2007. This quilt is about that old. I've been busy uploading some Valentine's themed quilts to Instagram.

Several years ago you could only upload photos from your phone to Instagram. I said, "NO WAY." I like to type descriptions and I can't stand to type with one finger on my iPhone. I walked away from Instagram for several years. Now I can work from my desktop and a keyboard.

I've had my blog for 13 years. My web site since 1997 (28 years). I had to write the pages using HTML code! Yes, using the code!!

Let's see another Valentine's quilt. Ring of Hearts was leftover from a workshop in 2011. I gave it some interesting borders and donated it to a local kids' charity.

I'm hoping to get a LOT of hearts quilts up in my Instagram page. Maybe you'd like to come visit and follow me there?

No dancing and singing videos. Hope I don't get to that point. But, if you get there and want to follow my posts, please let me know you made the connection via my blog.


  1. I found your Instagram on your blog. Now I follow both. Love the quilt pictures!


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