FREE pattern from my 2016 Wall Calendar of Blocks

I promised a FREE pattern for one of the blocks in my 2016 Wall Calendar of Blocks . I showed the fabrics I would use: Wonderful selection of red prints and blenders from Benartex I fashioned some letters and scattered them around, mixing them up, planning on making an "I Love You" quilt. Never got that far. I Love You letters Then my newest wall calendar of blocks came out. I looked through and found a perfect block to use some of these letters. This block comes from my 2007 desktop calendar of blocks. The wall calendar does not include patterns for the 365 blocks, but my publisher and I agree that I should share some "Blocks of the Moment" with my blogger buddies. Here is the first one: Love Bug Quilt (can you see the tiny ladybugs in the inner border strip?) Each letter is appliqued to a rectangle of white fabric cut to 5-1/2" x 7-1/2". Then the four are stitched together as shown. The outer 3-strip borders are composed of three 1-1/2...