"Leafs Me Happy" Blog Hop Monday

I am posting this on Sunday instead of waiting for the first day of the Blog Hop because many of my followers don't get notice of my updates for a full 24 hours. So, this means they will get this info when I want them to: on Monday! Well, it's here: both Fall and the Leafs Me Happy Blog Hop. Get ready for a wild and inspiring ride from blog to blog, state to state and country to country as you travel the gloriously colored roads of this blog hop. Here are the participants for Monday, October 1: Fuzzy Hat Quilter The Cuddle Quilter Quilts My Way Country Cabin Thoughts and Crafts Dream quilt create Why-Knot-Kwilt Needled Mom Quilter in Motion Sunshine Girl Meadowbrook Just to give you a sneak-peek into what I'm planning for Thursday, take a look: Just a little teaser! There is no way possible you can figure out this block, but I assure you it is an awesome block with a small tutorial. And one of my giveaways (one? you mean there are mo...