Flower Power - Blog Hop Twist-a-long

Yes, I lived through the 1960s (junior and high school years - please don't do the math). Today we revisit the 1960s and what I remember, living in California at the time, is FLOWER POWER. (Click here to view this in your web browser) But, first some pics of me in the 1960s. Notice this first one; I kept the date on it so it would be believable. LOOK AT THAT CAR IN THE BACKGROUND ON MY STREET!!! In 1965 I was 13 years old, living in San Jose, California. SEE THAT CAR?!! How about Christmas morning? I'm with Kathy on the left (about 6 years old) and Janet on the right (about 11 years old). Get a load of those rollers! No wonder my dad spent most of his time out in the garage (4 daughters and a wife). I don't think it did a lot of good, but a girl has to try! How did those curlers work out? (Me, a few years later - did I really have that much hair?) Oh, and did I say that my mom was an Avon lady who sold makeup door to door? There was a LOT of teasing...