June Blocks from my Quilter's Block a Day Calendar

Are you confused yet? Do you know which calendar I'm talking about? Sometimes I even confuse myself! I'm talking about the perpetual calendar that was a best seller for 10 years, published by Martingale (That Patchwork Place). In 2016, Patricia Bryant made a block a day and completed all 366 of those blocks. I featured them each week in 2017. In case you missed those links, I've got them here. June 4-10: Week 23 June 11-17: Week 24 June 18-24: Week 25 June 25-July 1: Week 26 (The links to the free patterns on those pages are no longer available - sorry.) This group of 30 blocks in two sizes is a treasure trove of patterns! These are for the month of June . (I have to release this early since I reveal the next BOM for the 2018 Tea Party on the first of the month) I've also included two quilt patterns and a tutorial on how to make half-square triangles quick! Here are the two patterned quilts. One of them, Arkansas Meadow Rose , is a favorite of mine an...