A Creative Quilt Using Leftovers

Several years ago I did a blog post using the Knitty Kitty fabrics by Benartex. I fussy cut a few of the leftovers and used them for the centers of some Grandmother Flower Garden (GFG) blocks. These use 2" hexagons. I had several I made up into kits for my students in my English Paper Piecing classes. I had two leftover blocks that were waiting for a home. Knitty Kitty GFG Block parts I made a few things with these sweet fabrics ( click this link and go to see the blog post). Just to be perfectly clear: I do NOT know how to knit, only crochet. But yarn is yarn and so we all can live together in peace. Some of the Knitty Kitty fabrics (2013) Here is a shot of the fabric with these sweet kitties. I wish I still had some . Knitty Kitty print One of the two leftover blocks I had made. One more kitty in the center My daughter Audrey asked me if I had a kitty quilt I could give to the daughter of a woman she knew. I am not a cat person, but you can be...