Windham Wednesdays & Giveaway

Gazebo Collection by Windham Fabrics OK, I know it's still the dead of winter (we had ice earlier in the week), but there's nothing to cheer me up faster than happy, warm-weather fabrics with garden motifs and sunflowers! I had no idea what to make with these fabrics so I asked them (my usual method): "Hey. What do you want to be when you grow up?" They huddled around each other and then noticed a new book on my sewing table. They grabbed it (I'm NOT making this up) and flipped through it and then pointed to the cover. "WE WANT TO BE THIS; AND WE DON'T WANT TO WAIT UNTIL WE GROW UP." What did they see? Paper Piecing Perfect Points - February 2013 (You can see ALL the quilts from the book HERE.) Yes, they insisted they wanted to be like the center block. I had no choice - I selected fabrics, did some cutting, printed my foundations and set to work. I chose the 3 solid reading fabrics and a Windham white To get really, really sharp ...