Quilter's Block a Day Calendar: Week 18

Week 18 and a new round of 7 beautiful blocks by Patricia Bryant of Australia. Let's start! April 30: Old King Cole's Crown April 30: Old King Cole's Crown, 10" May 1: Trillium Wreath May 30: Trillium Wreath, 12" And here's my own rendition of Trillium Wreath. Trillium Wreath table topper And a four block digital version: Four Block Trillium Wreath quilt May 2: Autograph Star May 2: Autograph Star, 8" May 3: Birds in the Air May 3: Birds in the Air, 12" May 4: Bouncing Betty May 4: Bouncing Betty, 8" And two digital versions I did for some fabric companies: Bouncing Betty in feedsacks for Blank Quilting Bouncing Betty as found in my 2011 Block a Day Calendar May 5: Cheyenne May 5: Cheyenne, 6" May 6: Four Corners May 6: Four Corners, 9" Hope you enjoyed all this color and beautiful staging by Patricia. See you next week!