Fruit Basket

Looking through my Block a Day Calendar with Martingale (desktop perpetual version) I see the Fruit Basket block for today. As you know, Patricia Bryant sewed every single one and staged a lovely shot of them several years ago.

10" Fruit Basket block by Patricia Bryant

I eat some fruit every morning. I put it on my yogurt/cottage cheese/cereal. Usually there are blueberries underneath and some other yummy fruit on top (ie, apple, orange, pear or sometimes leftover pineapple from making a pineapple upside down cake!)

Here are photos of before and after for the cake my granddaughter and I made for Easter.

Yummy fruit waiting for the GF cake batter

Baked and ready to be devoured

You can have the Fruit Basket block by clicking on the link. Make one and put it near the fruit in your kitchen. I swear it will make them happy!


  1. I usually have some fruit in the morning with my oatmeal. Sometimes I will snack on berries during the day when they are in season or frozen otherwise. I can't have pineapple but your cake looks delicious though. Thanks for the pattern.



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