One More Calendar

After 10 years of successful publishing in quilting magazines, in 2002 I made my first book proposal (quilts) to C&T Publishing. Rejected! They never told me why. I sulked in a corner, licked my wounds and then listened to wise advice and went to another publisher (AQS). Book 1 published. Book 2 published. Book 3 published. 18 quilting calendars published. Now, who's come to ME and asked me to publish another calendar? Why, C&T! Due out in 2025. I truly think my brain is empty!

Upcoming Block a Day Calendar (2025)

They sent me an email and requested a Zoom meeting. I wasn't too crazy about it. I wanted to make sure ALL my rights belonged to me. They saw the calendar I had created for Martingale (That Patchwork Place) and thought it would make a great seller. Martingale has since gone out of business - big sigh!

Desktop calendar with Martingale

It stayed on the market for 10 years. I even published a companion CD of all the files, in 2 sizes and 12 quilt patterns! Glad I negotiated ALL rights. When Martingale took it off the market, those files became mine.

Stay tuned for some previews of some blocks. I pulled from my 32 years of creating these things and hope to showcase a lot of quilts that feature many blocks. That's what we want anyway, right? Not just a random block but to SEE how they can be used! - like in this quilt created for Windham Fabrics featuring Old Glory Star (center block and bottom left/right). 18". No templates, either!

Pride and Honor: 18" blocks, 

Such a fun quilt. It's itching to get noticed again!
