Memorial Day is for REMEMBERING

We remember - and honor - those who gave their all for our freedom For we Americans, this weekend is for remembering our fallen heroes. A lot of shopping goes on, but hopefully the parades and events honoring all our veterans and those who lost their lives will take center stage. I made this quilt in 2005, using some Americana fabric resembling the stripes of our flag. I took a simple heart shape and divided it both vertically and horizontally and cut out appliques. Just another project for me, published in one of our QUILT magazines that year. But then the nephew of our dear friends died in Afghanistan. He was so young and now he was gone. I knew this quilt needed to go to his parents and my husband and I drove to their house in Atlanta where we were able to meet the parents, share some tears, and then I gave them the quilt. I can never forget, and that's why we REMEMBER. I used this design for my 2010 calendar and I am featuring it here today, FREE, for all to enjoy. You ...