Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

I thought it might be fun to see the top 10 blog posts of 2019 and what was most exciting to my followers. While I don't have tens of thousands of followers, I do have a few thousand who visit each week to get quilt-y ideas and lots of patterns. Here is my countdown for 2019, ending with the post with the highest numbers of visits. NUMBER 10 : February 12 - Free Pattern Day: Frosted Blocks This is a fun post that showcases not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE quilts of mine that use the same technique. Check out the most recent one: Frosted Blocks for Windham Fabrics Candy Cane Lane: Frosted Check out the link next to the date to see the other four quilts. Such a fun way to showcase some novelty prints. NUMBER 9 : July 17 - Hanukkah in July and Free Pattern The Dreidel block is part of the Cookie Cutter Block of the Month series and you can make this for next year! I made three! Three 10" Dreidel blocks NUMBER 8 : August 4 - Cutting Hexagons f...