One More Baby Blocks Quilt
I made these Baby Blocks the old fashioned way - with y-seams! Yes, that's right! I know I always brag about no y-seams, but that's not because I'm afraid of them - I just like to do some workarounds. You've seen these little blocks before. These are 4-1/2" rotary cut 60 degree diamonds. Single Baby Blocks Here is the y-seam from the back. You can see how the 3 seams come together in the center. Then the 1/4" where there is NO seam is spun. Lies flat that way. Baby blocks from wrong side. I squeezed the life out of that swirly fabric. I had to seam two diamonds - gasp! But, it works! This block measures 8" finished from flat side to flat side. I used 4-1/2" 60 degree triangles to set them together. Look closely and you'll see the seams in the multi-colored diamonds I used a mottled batik in a light print for those setting triangles. When you have 7 blocks, you have to get a little creative with their assembly. I cut four more diamonds and put th...