If Diamonds are Forever, How Much Time Does a Rhombus Have?

OK, I have to admit. I do NOT like the word rhombus. Yes, I was a high school math teacher at one time and I'm sure that word was in my lesson plans. But, hey, how to you use that word in your circle of friends? "Hey, Sally. I love your rhombus engagement ring!" Yeah, right. Well, you're probably thinking, "Sheesh. She sure does have a bee in her bonnet!" Not so. Diamonds are diamonds are rhombuses. They both mean the same thing, which is: " an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram" which is what Dictionary.com says. Now, let me move on to some quilts with diamonds. That's why you've come anyway, right? First some DIAMONDS. Diamonds cut from 4-1/2" strips This is my Baby Blocks quilt using those diamonds. I call it "My Diamonds Have the Blues" (pretty original, don't you think?) My Diamonds Have the Blues (60" x 60") And a few smaller ones: Baby Blocks using 3-1/2" diamonds A...