Two Medallion Variation Quilts - Not by Me!

I always love to see how my students and customers interpret my patterns. It's easy to make the exact same one; it's a bit more adventurous to put your personal stamp on them. That's exactly what Carl and Linda did with the Medallion Variation. This quilt is one of eight that I interpreted in partnership with the Gee's Bend quilters and Windham Fabrics.

Here is the original by Louisiana P. Bendolph. Yes, that is a LOT of white surrounding that center red quilt. Windham just wanted me to pattern the center. If someone wants to add the white, I say "go for it!"

Original Medallion Variation Quilt by Louisiana P. Bendolph

Here's my interpretation, beautifully quilted by Connie Gallant. This is owned by Windham Fabrics and probably hangs in their offices.

Medallion Variation: 52" x 76"

I made a second one for my oldest daughter's best friend and gave it to her for her birthday one year. I hung it on the wall with a note and it took her about 20 minutes to figure it all out! Meg loves it, of course.

Here is the one that Carl Brown made. He improvised with the fabrics and staged the display so beautifully! He toned down the reds and introduced a lot of blue. Gorgeous, right?!

Carl Brown's interpretation of Medallion Variation

And then I received a photo from Linda Hitchens last week. What do you think?

Medallion Variation by Linda Hitchens

Well, what can I say? These are some serious red quilts, perfect for Valentine's Day. Again, it's perfectly fine to improvise on ANY quilt pattern. It's your work, your fabric, your time and the end result is to bring you pleasure (even if you're giving it to someone). Happy quilting!
