Modern Quilt Blocks My Way

It's hard for me to improvise with fabric after decades of creating patterns for publication. I tried my hand at it, but still was able to take something that looks improvisational and "pattern" it. After all, I wanted to appeal to the very timid who are reluctant to cut up their beautiful fabric.

This was from a class which I called Modern Quilt Blocks (2013). I used solid reading fabrics with a khaki/gray background. Strip piecing, slicing and trading units with classmates and we got this. (I had made kits for each student with the same fabrics for trading).

Modern Quilt Blocks #1

And this . . .
A single block using the same pattern as above

What would they look like with a dark navy background with different piecing?

I didn't like the blocks and must have given them away, because I can't find them! I did find another set made with a dark background (navy with dots) and added side borders to "square" it up. Quilted by a friend and going to the Inova Schar Infusion Center for a bit of warmth in the very chilly rooms.

Modern Quilt Blocks: 42" x 44"

Here's my version of a label. I wanted to include my name and the quilter's name besides the quilt chapter label.

You can see my Improv Adventure pattern on Etsy. Lots of photos and sure-fire approaches to cutting and piecing for your own version of modern quilt blocks.

Improv Adventure


  1. I like the two bright colored ones. They look more like books to me than the darker ones.


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