Ocean Breezes Block of the Month - maybe

It's almost July and where I live it's hot and we have a lot of sunshine and we yearn for some ocean breezes. I haven't been to the beach in several years (but I'm not a fan of bathing suits and sand, btw). I published my Ocean Breezes pattern in my 2018 Quilter's Block a Day Calendar (by Andrews McMeel). Here's a digital version: Ocean Breezes: 32" x 32". 8" blocks I am considering this as a Block of the Moment (not monthly; probably weekly). Is there any interest? I've pulled my fabrics. These are Bedrock by Windham Fabrics (and a renegade green Fairy Frost). Ocean Breeze fabrics from the Bedrock Collection by Windham I've made a few of the blocks. What do you think of the Cabana? It is paper pieced and the quilt uses two of these. Ocean Breezes Cabana Block: 8" I've traced my templates for the Whale (two blocks), Palm Tree (two blocks) and am almost done with the boat, which sits in the center. I have the supply list ready, too...